Il grado di specializzazione delle specie di Picidae, Turdidae, Paridae, Fringillidae ed Emberizidae censite nell’Atlante degli Uccelli della provincia di Trento (Italy)

Caldonazzi M.

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The degree of specialization of the species “Picidae, Turdidae, Paridae, Fringillidae Emberizidae” registered in the nesting and wintering bird atlas of the province of Trento (Italy). The environmental and altitudinal data of the species of birds belonging to the families Picidae, Turdidae, Paridae, Fringillidae e Emberizidae are analysed. They have been counted in the Atlas of breeding and wintering birds in the province of Trento (1986-1995, with updating in 2003), in order to quantify the level of specialization of each of them.