Armenian Gulls Larus armenicus in Egypt, 1989/90,with notes on the winter distribution of the large gulls


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During a survey of Egyptian wetlands between December 1989 and late May 1990 significant numbers of Armenian Gulls Larus armenicus were observed. Total winter count was 442, and the species was present until early April , It was found to be relatively common along the Mediterranean coast east of the Damietta branch of the Nile, and in marine habitats of the three lagoons along this coast. Small numbers were seen along the Suez Canal and the Red Sea coast. No Armenian Gulls were found in any of the inland waters. Other large gulls counted in winter included Yellow-Iegged Gulls L. cachinnans (2340), Lesser Black-backed Gulls L. fuscus (120; including the first Egyptian record of L. f. heuglini), and Great Black-headed Gulls L. ichthyaetus (35).