Autumn migration of raptors on Capri

Jonzén N. and Pettersson J.

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In this paper we present the first documentation of raptor migration on Capri, Italy. During the autumns of 1994 and 1995 daily observations were made. The two most common species were HONEY BUZZARD (Pernis apivorus) and MARSH HARRIER (Circus aeruginosus), but the total number was low compared to the Strait of Gibraltar and the Bosphorus. The high numbers from Gibraltar is, however, the result of full-scale counts across the entire width of the Strait. Hence, the numbers are not comparable. A large part of the HONEY BUZZARDS and MARSH HARRIERS migrated in late September – early October, when observations are scarce or lacking at the Strait of Gibraltar and the Bosphorus. We suggest that these late migrating HONEY BUZZARDS and MARSH HARRIERS have a more eastern origin compared to the birds observed earlier in the season.