L’ortolano Emberiza hortulana nella Regione Marche: analisi della distribuzione e preferenze ambientali

Pruscini F., Morelli F., Perna P., Felicetti N. , Santolini R.

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The Ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana is one of many species of passerines in great decline in most of Europe. Even in Italy, the species is considered to be in decline, for this reason it is protected for conservation purposes, although it still not appear to be at risk. However, recent studies have shown an increase of breeding pairs in the central eastern portion of the Italian peninsula. In the Marche Region a study was conducted, through the implementation of 2100 points counts, with the aim of verifying the actual presence of Ortolan bunting and study their habitat preferences. The species was found to be moderately widespread, being present in 11.5% of the total point counts monitored. The species presence was correlated positively with farmlands and shrubs, but it seems avoid urban structures like roads and buildings.