Volume 27 - N. 2
December 2003

Volume 27 - N. 2

  1. Are garters attractive and why? A case study in the Moorhen Gallinula chloropus

    Fenoglio S., Guasco B.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    19 49
  2. Revisione delle segnalazioni italiane di Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides Temmink, 1829

    Massa B., Brichetti P.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    16 53
  3. Sex differences in body measurement of Rock Partridges Alectoris graeca saxatilis inhabiting the southern France Alps

    Bernard-Laurent A., Corda E. M., Soyez D.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    16 123
  4. Are temperature loggers useful for studying nest disturbance in Rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta?

    Novoa C., Brenot J. F., Thillet D., Sentilles J., Ellison L. N.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    13 128
  5. Distribution of the Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) in the Mugello valley (Florence, Italy) in relation to the environmental characteristics of the streams

    Del Guasta M.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    17 70
  6. Analysis of the spring migration of Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) and Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus) at two sites of central Italy

    Agostini N., Panuccio M.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    19 60
  7. Columns

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    33 64

    Commissione Ornitologica Italiana (COI) – Report n. 16
    Book Reviews