Volume 36 - N. 1
June 2012

Volume 36 - N. 1

  1. Daily behavioural patterns and time budgets of captive black-bellied sandgrouse (Aves: Pteroclidae)

    Aourir M. , Znari M., Radi M., Melin J.M.

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    41 124

    Maintaining normal behavioural patterns is an important component of captive breeding with the aim of reintroduction. We
    examined the behaviours and daily time budgets in captivity of hand-raised black-bellied sandgrouse
    Pterocles orientalis
    provided with
    food and water
    ad libitum
    , and compared them with published observations of wild birds in order to assess the impact of captive rear

    ing and captivity on behaviour in this species. We observed a bimodal pattern of active behaviours in the morning and
    afternoon, inter

    rupted by a period of resting behaviours through the middle of the day when air temperatures typically exceeded 40°C. High tempera

    ture accentuated the bimodal activity pattern by increasing the midday resting period and by decreasing the general level of locomotors
    activity. Compared to birds in the wild, captive birds spent less time foraging (captive: 30%; wild: 53-58%) and more time preening and
    dust-bathing (captive: 25%; wild: 7-11%) and resting (captive: 28%; wild: 16-22%), probably related to differences in food availabil

    ity between captive and wild situations. The broad similarity in daily activity patterns of wild and captive birds, and our observations on
    sexual behaviours and breeding in captive birds suggest that the behavioural routines of black-bellied sandgrouse are little affected by
    being hand-raised in captivity.

  2. Lista Rossa 2011 degli Uccelli Nidifcanti in Italia

    Peronace V., Cecere J.G., Gustin M., Rondinini C.

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    139 196

    The 2011 Red List of Italian breeding birds. The purpose of Red Lists is to assess the short-term risk of extinction in a given
    taxon, and they are drafted according to guidelines produced by the IUCN. The guidelines make it possible to draft both global and regional or sub-global lists, keeping in mind the relationship between the populations being assessed and neighbouring populations. The present work results from the application of this methodology. It aims to update the previous Red List of breeding birds in Italy and to bridge the methodological and temporal gap that for many years has prevented Italy from availing itself of an important tool for bird conservation and planning. We considered a totol of 270 specie: 51.1% were classifed as Least Concern (LC),9.6% as Near-Threatened (NT),
    while 27.3% are in one of the three threatened categories: 2.2% Critically Endangered (CR), 8.1% Endangered (EN) and 17% Vulnerable
    (VU). The data for 3.3% of the species assessed was not suffcient to assign them to a threat category, and they were thus classifed as
    Data Defcient (DD). Finally, three species that were classifed as Regionally Extinct (RE) in the previous Red List of Breeding Birds in
    Italy were confrmed as such. A total of six species were classifed as Critically Endangered (CR), of which four are raptors (Lammergeier, Egyptian Vulture, Griffon Vulture, Bonelli’s Eagle) and two are passerines (Sedge Warbler, Barred Warbler). At the level of orders,
    Anseriformes is the taxon with the highest percentage of threatened or near-threatened species (55.6%), followed by Gruiformes (54.6%)
    and Accipitriformes (53.8%). Unfortunately it was not possible to effectively compare the current Red List with the previous one, as there
    are signifcant methodological differences between them. The current work follows IUCN guidelines for regional red lists, which had not
    yet been drafted when the previous Red List of Breeding Birds in Italy was prepared. Nevertheless, it clearly emerges that the number of
    threatened passerines increased from 21.7% to 31%. This fnding may in part depend on improved knowledge about population trends in
    widespread species, or it may truly reflect the worsening of the conservation status of many passerine species over the last decade. Current knowledge on breeding birds in Italy has made it possible to classify the vast majority of the species that were assessed, in spite that
    information is still limited for many species. In the immediate future, research efforts should target priority species for conservation and
    species for which information is limited.

  3. Montagu’s harrier Circus pygargus in the northern Marcheregion of central Italy: frst evidence of a possiblepopulation increase

    Morelli F., Fabio Pruscini F., Morganti N., Urbinati C., Asprea S., Casali S., Fosca A., Magalotti P., Mencarelli M., Morici F.

    Abstract     Read Article       Download
    36 161

    In order to evaluate the status of the Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygarus) population in the northern Marche region of central
    Italy, a population which in recent years has been reported to be in a major decline and facing a severe local threat, we surveyed the species’ historical occupied territories and their suitable habitat. We recorded 11 Montagu’s harrier breeding pairs during 2010 and 12 breeding pairs during the 2011 breeding season. Our results are the frst evidence that the population of Montagu’s harrier in the study area
    has increased during the last fve years compared to data in the available literature. We characterized breeding habitat in terms of land use
    composition, proximity to other nests, building structures and altitude. The species seems to prefer breeding in the agricultural landscape,
    while it mainly chooses to build the nest in patches of uncultivated, shrub and badland vegetation. We also noticed an increase in the altitudinal range of the breeding habitat of the species in the study area. We conclude that these behaviors may represent an improvement for
    conservation of the species by reducing the effects of nest losses caused by agricultural practices and urban factors.

  4. La migrazione della quaglia nella Provincia di Ancona(Italia centro-orientale) nel periodo 2001-2007

    Angeletti G., Sebastianelli C., Gambelli P., Politi P.

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    43 290

    The migration of common quail Coturnix coturnix in Ancona Province (Central-Eastern Italy) between 2001 and 2007. The
    aim of this study concerns analysis of the information collected on common quail Coturnix coturnix in Ancona Province (Central-Eastern
    Italy) between 2001 and 2007. Data collection was carried out in two different ringing stations near the Adriatic Sea since the beginning
    of April. One of the two stations was active until November, between 2003 and 2007. Differential migration from age and sex classes was
    confrmed, even if with different patterns for each of the seven years considered. Biometric data concerning different age and sex classes
    were also analyzed. Ringed quails weight was compared in different periods before and after the autumn migration period. Periods quails
    spent in their capture sites were analyzed referred to self-recovery data. On the basis of recovery data, some hypotheses on migration routes of individuals overflying the Adriatic Sea coastline are presented.

  5. Successo alimentare e attività di vigilanza dellapavoncella Vanellus vanellus nei pascoli costieri del ParcoNazionale del Circeo (Lazio, Italia centrale)

    Trotta M.

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    31 91

    Feeding behaviour and vigilance of the lapwing Vanellus vanellus in the coastal pasture of the Circeo National Park (Latium,
    Central Italy). For two consecutive years (2008-09/2009-10) the feeding success and the vigilance activity of the lapwing Vanellus vanellus have been investigated in a wintering site along the coast of southern Latium. The foraging individuals spent 55.9% of time seeking
    and capturing prey, 42.8% in vigilance and 1.3% in aggressive behaviour. The lapwing had a feeding success (prey/minute) on average
    of 0.93. The density in the foraging areas did not affect signifcantly the feeding success. Individuals that feed in groups achieve a higher
    success than those feeding alone. The time spent in the activity of scanning increases in conditions of low density, the number of actions
    of scanning remains instead constant. The low feeding success is probably compensated by nocturnal feeding. The results of this survey
    show how this behaviour plays a fundamental role in the daily energy balance of lapwing in the Mediterranean environment.

  6. Commissione Ornitologica Italiana (COI) - Report 24

    Janni O. e Fracasso G.

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    51 125

    Italian Ornithological Commission (Italian Rarities Committee). Report 22. The following records were accepted
    for Italy (Cat. AERC: A – COI List 1A, 1B): Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus (Friuli Venezia Giulia 2011; 9th record); Ringnecked Duck Aythya collaris (Piedmont 2007-8; 6th record); Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii (Latium 2010; 4th record); Black-winged
    Kite Elanus caeruleus (two records: Veneto 2010, Calabria 2010; 6th – 7th records); Demoiselle Crane Grus virgo (Latium 2010; 9th record); Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus (Abruzzo 2010; frst record for Italy); Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii
    (Veneto 2010; 4th record); Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus (Latium 2009-10; 6th record); Spotted Sandpiper Actitis
    macularius (Piedmont 2010; 3rd record); Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus (Tuscany 2011; 18th record); Red-necked Nightjar Caprimulgus rufcollis (Sicily 2010; 3rd record); Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus (two records: Emilia-Romagna 2010, Sicily 2010; 11th –
    12th records); Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni (three records: Latium 2009, Lombardy 2010, Sicily 2010; 4th – 6th records); Rock Pipit Anthus petrosus (Apulia 2008; 12th record); White-crowned Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga (Sicily 2010; frst record for Italy); Black
    Wheatear Oenanthe leucura (Sicily 2010; number of records under review); Dusky Thrush Turdus eunomus (Piedmont 2010; number of
    records under review); Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida (Latium 2008; number of records under review); Western Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais opaca (three records: Sicily 2009, Sicily 2010, Latium 2010; 2nd – 4th records); Eastern Orphean Warbler Sylvia
    crassirostris (Apulia 2010; frst record for Italy); Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus orientalis (Latium 2010; 2nd record); Iberian
    Chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus (Latium 2010; frst record for Italy); Desert Grey Shrike Lanius [elegans?] algeriensis (Sicily 2010; 5th
    record, accepted only at the subspecies level, pending a wider consensus on the taxonomy of the group L. excubitor/meridionalis/elegans).
    The following records were not accepted (identifcation proved; escape from captivity; Cat. AERC: E – COI List 3A, 3B, 3C): Fulvous
    Whistling Duck Dendrocygna bicolor (Emilia-Romagna 2010); African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer (Sardinia 2011); Euplectes sp.
    (Tuscany 2000); Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis (Veneto 2011). The following records were not accepted (insuffcient documentation, COI List 5A): Crested Honey Buzzard Pernis ptylorhynchus (Calabria 2002); Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis (Friuli
    Venezia Giulia 2002); Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus (Sicily 2000); Rook Corvus frugilegus (supposed breeding, Veneto 2011).