Volume 39 - N. 2
December 2015

Volume 39 - N. 2

  1. The seasonal placement of the Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans from the Northern-Western Coast of the Azov Sea based on Ringing Results

    Dubinina Y.Y.

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    35 134

    Connections between nesting areas of the Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans in the Northwest coast of the Azov Sea and the rest
    of Europe were examined by a long-term ringing program (1988–2012). The author analyzed the spatial distribution of individuals according to age (young, immature, adults) during different seasons. Directions and flight distances were determined and different types of dispersal (intra-continental, within the territory of Ukraine, within the nesting area) were specified. For perennial large nesting settlements of the Caspian gulls in the Northwest coast of the Azov Sea, the following features were determined: high degree of phylopatry in adults, the wide scope of migration after nesting and dispersion of young birds, formation of new temporary colonies by virtue of immature birds. The average movement of birds towards their colonies, during the spring was 1033 km (range 111-1900). During the post-nesting season, adult birds were found within a radius of 30 km around their colonies. In June the average displacement distance of birds of different age groups, from their colonies was 130.14 km (range 7.5-1900). In July and August, increased to 416.17 km (range 7.5-2025). In autumn, birds were found within an average distance of 284 km (range 7.5–2025) from their natal area, moving along the coast, mainly in a southwestern and western direction. They were also present in large numbers in landfills and agricultural land. Some first year birds reached the territories of Denmark, Germany, Poland and Hungary. In winter, the average displacement distance was 850 km (range 7.5-2172). The birds usually moved along the Black Sea coast of Ukraine flying to the territories of Eastern European countries.

  2. Reverse and cross migration of Western Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus at the Apuane Alps watch-site (Tuscany)

    Premuda G., Viviani F., Franchini M.

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    25 92

    The aim of this study is to analyse the migration flow of the Western Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus observed on the western
    slopes of the Apuane Alps (Capriglia, Pietrasanta, Lucca, Tuscany). In spring, over a 12-day sample period from 9 to 20 May 2012-2014, a total of 738 individuals were recorded (148, 340, 250 respectively). Most Western Honey Buzzards observed (N = 466; 63%) had a reversed direction of spring migration, incoming from NW and heading SE. In autumn, over a 30-day period from 1 to 30 September 2012-2014, a total of 598 individuals were recorded (155, 111, 332 respectively). A proportion of the Western Honey Buzzards observed (N= 173; 29%) had a reversed direction of autumn migration, incoming from SE and heading NW. Autumn data suggest that mainly adults migrated towards NW, while mainly juveniles followed the innate autumn southbound direction. The particular behaviour of some Western Honey Buzzards heading NW and others heading SE creates a “cross migration” among the same species at the Apuane Alps watchsite, with individuals which possibly belong to different populations that cross their flyways, incoming from different directions and outgoing to different destinations at the same time. The regularly observed behaviour of the Western Honey Buzzards heading SE in spring and NW in autumn shows a spring and autumn reverse migration, adopted probably by a portion of the Central Italian population, which most likely performs a deviation from the main western European migration flyway.

  3. Autumn captures from Torre Flavia ringing station (Latium, central Italy) in 2001-2014

    Sorace A., Savo E., De Santis E., Duiz A., Iavicoli D., Riello S., Battisti C.

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    33 102

    Ringing is an effective tool to monitor bird species. The present contribution presents some data on the autumn passage of
    migrants in ‘Palude di Torre Flavia’ natural Monument (and SPA IT6030020) collected during 2001-2014. A total of 10,630 birds, from 55 species were ringed during the 14 years of study. Remiz pendulinus, Emberiza schoeniclus, Phylloscopus collybita, Erithacus rubecula and Acrocephalus melanopogon produced the highest numbers followed by Cettia cetti, Saxicola torquatus and Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Among the species of conservation concern, Torre Flavia appears to be of particular importance for the passage of Alcedo atthis, Luscinia svecica and Acrocephalus melanopogon. Trends in the number of yearly captured species and individuals showed fluctuations during the 14 years of study. As far as single species are concerned, the positive trend of Alcedo atthis and Cettia cetti and the negative trend of Saxicola torquatus and Passer italiae were statistically significant.

  4. Sex Determination of Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola: a molecular and morphological approach

    Aradis A., Landucci G., Tagliavia M., Bultrini M.

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    32 232

    We used molecular sexing and morphological analysis to characterize sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in Eurasian Woodcock
    (Scolopax rusticola) wintering in central Italy. We analyzed SSD in 259 individuals (125 males and 134 females) sexed molecularly based on size differences in CHD-linked sequences from W- and Z- chromosomes. Females were significantly larger than males in bill measurements, tarsus and length of tarsus plus middle toe, while males had longer wing chord and ninth primary length. A discriminant function analysis was applied to a set of morphometric traits to study whether parameters of body size may be used to reliably sex individuals of this species in the field. We formed two equations, one for adults, which was 78.7% accurate, and one for juveniles, which was 76% accurate. Discriminant analysis showed that the length of the ninth primary, tarsus and nalospi was the most useful trait in sexing adult Eurasian Woodcock. Wing chord, nalospi and tarsus were helpful in sexing juvenile birds. Combining the results of DNA molecular sexing and several biometrics, would enable the development of easier sexing techniques. Our results will aid future studies looking at gender differences in the field.

  5. First case of wintering of Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius in Italy

    Fozzi I., Fozzi A.

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    35 98
  6. First breeding records of Northern Gannet Morus bassanus in Italy

    Giagnoni R., Conti C.A., Canepa P., Nardelli R.

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    40 154
  7. Columns - Book Reviews

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    32 69

    Book Reviews