Volume 43 - N. 1
June 2019
Volume 43 - N. 1
Special Issue - Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation of Raptors
Editorial - Support your local “raptor” team, but looking at a wider perspective to improve raptor research, monitoring and conservation at a continental scale
Panuccio M.
Activity patterns of Eleonora’s Falcons during the pre-breeding period: the role of habitat composition on the island of Antikythira
Kassara C., Bairakataridou K., Kakalis E., Tsiopelas N., Giokas S. and Barboutis C.
Repeated large scale loop migrations of an adult European Honey Buzzard
Agostini N., Prommer M, Vàczi M. and Panuccio M.
Quantifying the global legal trade in live CITES-listed raptors and owls for commercial purposes over a 40-year period [RETRACTED VERSION]
Panter C., Atkinson E.D. and White R.L.
Electronic Supplementary Material for Panter et al. 2019 [RETRACTED VERSION]
Panter C., Atkinson E.D. and White R.L.
Little Owl Athene noctua survey in Milan, northern Italy: distribution, habitat preferences and considerations about sampling protocol
Calvi G and Muzio M
Premigratory moult in the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni
Bounas A.
variability and population structuring in the European Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii
Sarà M., Mengoni C., Mucci N., Guzzo E., Ruzic M., Amato M., Antioco N., Boano G., Bondì S., Leonardi G., Nardo A., Mascara R., Ossino A., Vitale E. and Zanca L.
Better to stay downtown or in the countryside? Raptors wintering in urban and rural Protected Areas of Rome (Central Italy)
Panuccio M., Foschi F., Todini A., Baldi A., Dominicis N., De Filippis P., Casini S., De Pisa G. and Palmeri A.
SHORT NOTE - First evidence by satellite telemetry of Lanner Falcon’s (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) natal dispersal outside Sicily, and a review of existing data.
Sarà M., Bondì S., Guzzo E., Amato M., Antioco N., Leonardi G., Mascara R., Nardo A., Ossino A., Vitale E. and Zanca L.
a regional reintroduction project to a country-wide conservation approach:
scaling up results to promote osprey conservation in Italy.
Sforzi A., Monti F. and Sammuri G.
SHORT NOTE - Preliminary data on Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos diet in
southern Sardinia
Sirigu G., Serra L. and Di Vittorio M.
SHORT NOTE - Further evidence of cross migration behaviour of Western
Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus at the
Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy) bottleneck
Premuda G.
Obituary - Michele Panuccio, 1976-2019
Agostini N. and Mellone U.